Saturday, January 24, 2009

All the heat about Nonya

I am officially Nonya-mad.

I have now seen Yueniang pushed into the well, near death in sickness, kidnapped and had to work as a maid in an ungrateful household. What more can Cinderella ask for actually when she only have 2 step-sisters and a step-mom to contend with? Yueniang has a whole household!

OK, all non-Singapore residing friends, I recommend this Nonya drama. May your free time be so busy like me trying to see what other evil the family can cook up for Yueniang.

That aside, Ernest and I had a bit of problem with out gas supplier AGL a couple of weeks ago and I wish I knew about this solution before. This is hilarious. Only happens in Australia!

Pls go to the link and read. It's damn funny!

OK, I have got to go back to my little Nonya. Shh! Dun disturb!

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