Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hot and cold

Sydney's weather has been dreadful these days. We have been having hot, hot days with temperature reaching up to 45 degrees in western Sydney. We have been hovering around 35 degrees to 40 because we are near the coast and is cooled by the sea breeze. But still, by the time the breeze reaches us in Croydon, it is hot. Sianz.

It's party time!

Candice reminded me we have got to get protection for our car and we went to get sun screens. I chose a cute cow one and from far, I can see my car with my hot pink sun screen. At least I dun burn my palms when I attempt to go home at the end of the day. It can be still sickeningly hot and the sun can be glaring when I drive home at about 7pm.

And then when you think the weather cannot be worse than this, the weather decides it will have thunderstorms in the afternoon to cool Sydney down. When all this is very considerate and all, rain makes it real inconvenient to drive safely and all in all, it is so gloomy suddenly after the sun. It reminds me, quite miserably, of Singapore and her erratic weather conditions. I am so hard to please sometimes, I think.

Traffic jams and rain do not make good company when you want to go home for dinner

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