Sunday, January 25, 2009

Say no to Maccas!

I reckon I have given enough chance to MacDonald's in Australia.

I once heard on radio how fast you can zip in and zip out of MacDonald on your way to work so you can grab that burger and coffee within 5 mins and still be on time for your meeting at 8.30am. So I went into the restaurant asking for a breakfast value meal.

That took me a good 20mins. I waited for the queue before me to clear, waited for the waitress to take my order and waited for them to get my my orders. And they wasted another 5 mins of my time deciding if they should get me MacCafe expresso or the regular black stuff they always keep boiling in a pot. Never mind! I am already late for my imaginery meeting!

I complained to Ernest about this apalling service but I thought I should give MacDonalds another chance.

And so one saturday, I told Ernest I will be in and out within 5 mins to get both of us some breakfast. I told him breezily that he could just pull up outside of Maccas and I will be out then. In the end, he waited for me in that parking slot for half an hour.

OK, third time is the lucky charm right? I heard on the radio again, Maccas promoting their refreshing ice coffee, made with fresh Arabbiaca beans of some sort. It will only be available with drive through orders only, but I thought, I might get some over the counter because of their outstanding service, or so they claimed.

The counter staff asked if I want the drive through ice coffee and I said, yeah, why not. They collected $4 from me and while I was dishing out the coins, I thought the ice coffee better be good, cos $4, I can get cheaper coffee from a proper cafe.

And then, to my horror, I saw the counter staff who was serving me went to the fridge, took out a bottle of chocolate-coloured beverage and poured into a plastic cup. She tipped the lid on and asked me if I wanted whip cream on that vile-I-could-not-believe-it-is-ice-coffee looking plastic cup.

I stammered a no and she left me with that cup full of crap. 'Enjoy your drink!' she chirped. Eh, I dun think so. I was so traumatised and horrified that I gave Mark at church the whole plastic cup to enjoy.

The horror! To think I paid $4 for such instant coffee flavoured milk! I will never trust Maccas again! Never ever! I will only eat the fries and their ice-cream, and that's it! Cheat my money you bloody fast food place!

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