While Ai Yee and I keep muttering 'to lose weight' throughout the longest hour, Andrew put us through some basic warm up, push-ups, chin-ups, lunches, medicine ball lifts, resistances moves and crunches.
We did several sets of these and Andrew started to show us how we can effectively use the exercise ball to do tummy crunches, back crunches and all sorts of effective exercises to make us scream 'tolong!' I thought today's session was really informative. Andrew even explained what each exercise does for our body and said that he had tried to tailor-make the regime to work our entire body. I tell you, my body is aching as we speak. It does work.
After all that, Ai Yee and I were really quite tired and we just hang around chatting. The chat soon turned to jujitsu self defence classes Andrew has been taking and he gentlemanly showed us some moves that we girls can use to throw off thugs who want to get fresh with us.
First, he showed us how to throw a person off if he use his hand to pull your hair. Andrew chopped and chicken-winged Rey's (a poor colleague who volunteered to be a baddie) elbows and followed through to throw the 'baddie' to the floor. Ai Yee and I practiced on each other and by the end of it, we can throw each other on the floor easily if we touch each other's hair. When I demo on Ernest later, even he was impressed.
Then it got really serious. Andrew said in an event if we were being raped (choy, choy, touch wood, dai ka lai see!), especially if the guy is on top of you trying to get your clothes off, we can easily throw the rapist off and engage him in an armbar to break his arm in a few steps.
Poor Rey had to 'rape' Andrew and Andrew easily empowered Rey in an armbar. We were so impressed that we clapped hands and cheered. I think this is so useful. Even if you were attacked by a rapist or any other person, this few self defence moves can save your life. You need not risk your life or your chastity.
I am pretty curious about this armbar. I asked Andrew if it works if the girl is smaller in size as compared to the rapist. He assured us that as long as we engage the rapist in a lock position using our legs (means we have to wrap our legs around the rapist or lock his left leg with our left leg, yuck, the rapist might think we want to join in the fun) and engage the armbar swiftly, the rapist will have no time and will be caught off guard to throw us off.
If this has been taught to all the girls during primary school or even secondary school, perhaps we can reduce the number of rape cases. Afterall, isn't rape reflect the need for a man to exert himself on a woman? If a woman can defend herself, then rape will not be able to take place.
After a some research online, I found more info on this wonderful armbar. Wiki describes it as armlock which hyperextends the elbow joint. Andrew said if we lift our hips up when we are in armbar position, we can dislocate the rapist's arm with no effort at all because we have already pivoted his arm into a very awkward lock position.
This is an example of how to execute an armbar. You might need some practice to get it perfect. Pls do not pull the opponent's arm when in armbar position. Dislocation is serious stuff!
Ai Yee and I joked about practicing on our husbands when they want to hanky panky with us, but we decided it's not a very good idea, cos our husbands might beat up Andrew for teaching us such stuff. Hehee. But then again, Andrew will beat them hands down anyway. Haha.
You can do leg armbars too and Andrew is going to show us more moves next week. I can't wait. I can fight with people soon!

Ah yes, dun you all guys wish armbar is this sexy instead?
1 comment:
Thank you Eliss (love the name too). I read this a few years ago and was inspired. I followed it up as I was curious and interested that something like that was possible. And it is really legit! Along with a friend (her background is Taekwondo) we started doing judo and the arm bar (jujigatame) is an amazing move, can do it quite well now and on and against bigger guys albeit not so much more bigger. It is a really empowering feeling being able to do that. What you said about lifting the hips part is so true, when locked in, they're tapping or will be injured quite badly if not careful. It really does work! So on your back in assault or potential rape situation, this is an option. My friend reckons obviously surprise and speed, with good technique is a factor and then he should not know what he has got himself in.
So stumbling back in here (don't know if you or your friend remember can do it still too), I felt obliged to write you a quick note. My inspiration! Cheers hun, and keep up the good work. Not sure if you still blog but your material seems to be all here. Cheers x
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