I think I will take a break from touristy blogging today. One is to keep the interest of my readers fresh and also for me not to be bored by my own blogging as well. How many adjectives can you use to describe a very fun-filled holiday? Dun worry, I will continue tomorrow, ok?
A few weeks back, we received on our customer advocacy feedback database a complaint from a Japanese passenger who had travelled on Rex to Broken Hill and because of his extreme lack of English language ability, he has somehow misunderstood the sales person who did the booking for him, subsequently thought Rex had double-charged him for a non-existent flight and penned in a very poorly understood heartfelt feedback just how exactly he felt about Rex. He called us a cheat and his heart is broken and no trust in Rex no more.
I was allocated to reply to his feedback. I was still thinking wah....Rex is really going places...we even have Japanese travelling on us to the bird-no-lay-egg-place of Broken Hill. So I checked and double checked that it was merely a misunderstanding and of course I replied him as such and assured our Mr Takashimaya-Toyota-Nissan-Honda-Tetsuya that he has not been double-charged on his credit card.
And lo and behold, our Japanese guest replied to today. He is still very emotional.
From: Mr Takashimaya-Toyota-Nissan-Honda-Tetsuya
Sent: Thu 13/11/2008 2:38 AM
To: Eliss Kong
Subject: Re: Webfeedback to Regional Express
To Regional express
I protest your answer . I protested and demanded to correct your record by my credit card company...
Buahahaha! I protest your answer indeed. I thought his English is hilarious.
Funny English aside, I was again listening to the radio again and was introduced to this new term gastro-sexuals.
We are familiar with the term metrosexuals, about guys who take good care on grooming themselves. How many of you know guys who love and can cook are christened 'gastro-sexuals' in accordance with the word 'Gastronomy'? Although the way you pronoun the word may induce images of guys with stomach problems. Hehe.
Gastronomy, according to the ever trusty Wiki, is the study of the relationship between culture and food. Wah, you could even loosely describe a gastro-sexual is a guy who is cultured, understands food and most probably can cook very well.
Therefore then, I hereby introduce you my very own gastro-sexual, my hubby Ernest!

The very reason why I am posting this picture is to remind all the screaming girl-fans out there, this gastro-sexual is taken!
This is my dinner cooked by Ernest tonight. Some specially-concocted sauce stirred through the al dente noodles (plus octopus rings) served with bak-choy lightly and perfectly steamed and smothered with oyster sauce, sesame oil & deep-fried shallots. Lot's of love went into this ok? The title of gastro-sexual is definitely well-deserved.

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