We were treated to a very rare working week skiiing trip by our boss when he comes a-visiting to Sydney and decides to go for skiing in Snowy Mountains. 2 days before, he decides on this and we had a mad time trying to find accomodation, transport, ski equipments & ski intructors for virgin skiiers. It was a 2-day Perisher Blue skiing experience like none other.
After an eventful flight, we bundled up in the cold and finally reached our hotel!

OK, it does not look like that when we arrived but it is sure comfortable after a 2-hr long bumpy bus-ride from the airport up to the mountains.
See how Joy is enjoying the room?
I was told I snored the whole night through, but nevertheless, look at the view in the morning!
After breakfast, we can't wait to gear up and get going to the slopes.
Haha, me the super virgin skiier:
And after fitted with proper skiing gear, we of course have to do the ceremonial group photo:
Some random pictures of the snow, the slopes and the views
During dinner, I recount to my table of expert skiiers how bad the instructor was and all we get out of the 6 hours of training is to mutter 'Pizza, Pizza' all the way down the slope in hope of us miraculously stopping stylishly without a fall.
My chairman was appalled and took it upon himself to give us a private ski lesson the very next day. OMG how humiliating it will be for me cos all I did today was to scream like a banshee and held on the poles for dear life when the instructors took me down the slope piggy-back style on skis.
The next day, I tried to worm my way out by claiming my bruises were to serious to continue but no one is sympathetic. I mean, no one. How come everybody is mean to me? :(
So I had to pile on my ski clothes again and off I go.
Surprisingly, my chairman is a good sport and he teaches us very effectively. After a 3 hour session, I learnt how to stop, how to control my speed and how to turn left and right. He was just like my father; shouting loudly just like any Singaporean parent teaching their children how to swim/roller-blade/cycle. He was going,'Open your legs wider, open them wideeerrrrr......' and the whole beginner slope was staring at our group. You could not get anymore pai seh (embarrased) than that ok..........
But I am nothing but thanks to him. Seriously, after his session with us, I felt more confident on my own. I did multiple round up and down the beginner's slope without falling and screaming. and I started to enjoy skiing. The day before I was just telling myself the next time I come to such places, I will just look at the snow and sit in the cafe to enjoy my coffee. I was thinking maybe skiing is not my thing after all.
But hey, now I can ski! I was so proud of myself, that I got Shawn to bring us up the intermediate slope. I got a shock when I reach the top that it was kinda 'gulp' steep and all the people milling around the base of the slopes looked like size of ants. Gosh!
I have no choice but to go down right? So with the so-gentleman Shawn escorted me all the way down the slope while I struggled to ski down without falling. I managed to reach the bottom by just falling twice. Shawn, the ever so faithful escort, actually managed to ski all the way down without falling but to fall at the bottom of the slope. Oops.
I am so grateful and happy that I finally know how to ski and really, everyone should give a shot at skiing as it is so gratifying when you reach the bottom of the slope. Thanks Mr Lim for this trip and the special skiing lesson.
There is a new TV show on Channel 9 that showcase all the things you can do before die. I reckon I can tick skiing off my list now.
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