This week was full of excitement. For one, my sis came from Melbourne for a visit! She says she will be coming to celebrate my birthday as well as showing me her bf as well as visit Sydney, so I got her the tickets and she came for the weekend. Tried to show her as much eatery as I could (as we can only manage 3 meals a day, no?) and here are some gems. As you can see, most are eating places as we spent most time in restaurants.

Our fav Chinese supper place. Yummy Seafood at Beverly Hills. Best for hot piping seafood supper after an hour flight from MEL. We had the special set which consist of the delicious looking pipi fried bee hoon, scallop porridge, etc. Seafood feast.
Next day, we breakfasted at Bourke Street Bakery where I showed them my fav quiches. They were not very fond of the goat cheese and mushroom cheese. I wonder why...hehehe. I had a big mocha and it was served in a bowl like cup with no handles. We had a laugh on the best way to handle the bowl-like cup.
That Sat is also the Kirribilli Weekend Market, so we decided to check it out. Nothing fancy. Full of second-hand clothes and knick-knacks but I did snared a 5-buck red bead necklace, a 5-buck Victoria looking pendant and a 25-buck t-shirt. Very satisfied buy.
Needless to say, we are hungry again, we went tucked into a very nice Turkish snack.

As Ernest said, it was like a weird roti-prata with fillings, but man, it was delicious.
We visited Manly beach too. But approaching dinner, the vote was unanimous. Korean!
At Chatswood of course.

Today, we went to church and my sis and Melvin went to the city to shop.
I was so surprised that they had a cake for me and Alice (whose birthday was on Sat yesterday) and presents! Wah...thanks everyone.....

I felt so loved. Thanks everyone for the presents! Bling. I love.
Random shots of everyone in my group. I feel like a star.

We went for a quiet dinner at Hero Tan, the mah lah steamboat place in Kensington. My sis surprised me with a sweet little compact mirror that comes encrusted with a little pink crystal and red flowers. So nice! Thanks for the birthday present! And also the Jag blouse. Everyone in the office say I look jude in it.

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