Sunday, January 28, 2007

A science teacher took out a huge glass cylinder and filled it to the brim with big rocks. He asked his class if the cylinder is full. The class discussed among themsleves briefly and declared the cylinder full.

The teacher said,'Nope'; and proceed to pour granite pieces into the cylinder. The granite pieces slipped into the crevices of space not occupied by the rocks and the teacher poured enough to fill the cylinder to the top.

He asked his class again if the cylinder is full. The students surmised that this time, surely the cylinder is full. The teacher said no again and pour sand into the cylinder. The sand went through the crevices of space not occupied by the rocks and the granite pieces and the teacher stopped when the sand overflowed in the cylinder.

The teacher ask his students if now the cylinder is full. The students nodded in assention together and said the cylinder should be really full now. The teacher smiled and brought out a flask of water. He gently poured water into the cylinder full of rocks, granite pieces and sand and did not stop til the water level came to the top.

'Now,' said the teacher,'the cylinder is full.' The students were amazed and were discussing this among themselves when the teacher asked yet another question,'Tell me. If I started to fill the cylinder the other way round; the water first, then the sand, then the granite pieces, then the rocks, how do you think the cylinder will end up looking like?'

A smart student quipped,'It will be quite a mess, teacher.'

And the student is right. Life is also like trying to fill up the glass cylinder. We should fill up our life with rocks, basic correct things that we should occupy our lives with, like our work, family and church.

Then we can proceed to fill up our lives with every other little things like the granite pieces, sand and water; our other activities like watching the movies, going shopping, etc.

This is the correct way. If we do it the other way and started filling up our lives with littlest thing like doing sports recreationally the whole day and not doing the rocks like spending quality time with loved ones, our lives will be literally quite a mess.

Note to self: Everyday, do the rocks first, then the granite pieces, then the sand and lastly the water.

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