And as usual, I turned to the great o wise internet and was advised by many strangers that cats are hardy animals and they travel up and down the east and west coasts of US without skipping a beat. With us away for 3 days, I sorta have no choice but to bring her along with us.
All was ok after the road trip from Melbourne. Emi was acting a little fidgetty but it was expected of a cat who have experienced 3 new places, the car, the motel and my sis's friend's home who is willing to care for her 2 days in Melbourne, in a span of 72 hours.
But then we soon realise Emi was acting more aggressive then before. She would not come when called and when we wanted to stroke her on her back, she turned her head and bit us on our hand. And because Ernest brushes her everyday, he soon realises that her hair is wearing really thin and we can see her pink skin soon!
I was pretty worried and brought her to the vet. The vet said it might be the road trip as Emi is a house cat and she has never been to strange places and to add to the stress, it was a new place to another new place for 72 hours continously. She said the best way is to make her as comfortable as possible at home. She added that the balding of her hair is due to self-inflicted over grooming most probably due to stress. The vet says if she is not improving in the next 2 weeks, she can prescribe valium for Emi. Valium?! Gosh....
I spoken to another of my friend who is a vet and she kindly advised me on alternative calming therapies such as the pet essential oil Dermoscent to make Emi's hair shine again and Feliway to calm her down and relax her.
I got the Dermoscent on Emi and it smells heavenly. Emi is now a walking and mewing lavender basket and once she tried licking it off her back and she coughed and recoiled at the taste. The Dermoscent stayed on like a charm.
Then I got Feliway diffuser and plugged it on last night. I know I shouldn't be too excited and all, but the result is pretty much instanteneous! When the diffuser is switched on, Emi came to me within minutes, purred and allowed me to pet and stroke her.
She looked calmer and mellower. Feliway is a wonder! No more road trips for the cat! In fact, Emi is not leaving this apartment ever!
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