One of the perks of working in an airline, especially the largest regional airline in Australia, you have favours from colleagues and associates to link you up with Australia's freshest produce. They say you will never starve in Australia, where ever you are, you will get the fresh produce from the ground or off the sea to sustain yourself.
This gorgeous weekend was spent enjoying some fresh Port Lincoln oysters specially flown in from South Australia which was just shucked yesterday morning at the farm.
Our friend threw in a bottle of Veuve Clicquot champer to be shared among 11 people who were crowding around the table with cameras like proper Asian tourists ooh-ing and aah-ing over the opening of the box in which 15 dozens oysters had flown in. And it began an afternoon of decadence which will never be repeated again because of the sheer amount of oysters eaten that day per person.
It was funny recounting the episode when I went to collect the box from the freight company. The freight company must have just offloaded a plane full of pets because I saw a lot of pet containers by the side of the entrances awaiting collection and a number of people queuing inside to get paperwork stamped and then collect the critters. So I joined the queue together with mainly mums and pops waiting to collect their cat, rabbit or dogs who have flown interstate.
When it was my turn, the lady at the counter asked,'so you are collecting your dog today, luv?' 'Nope, my pet are a box of oysters thanks.'I told her and she threw back her head and laughed. I like to think I have made her day.
oh, no no no no... any leftover?
kekeke...sorry no leftovers!
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