When our boss was a-visiting last week, we managed to squeeze in some time to go visit YW who had a baby in Prince of Wales Women's Hospital. Little Matthew was soooo cute! But he was crying his heart periodically while we visited and I was half-glad he wasn't mine to care for although he was cute enough to be kidnapped.
Monkeycrab did a blog post on the visit and claimed my maternal instincts are acting up.
Hmm.....I only thought it was hilarious that little Matthew was clutching either my boobs or the flower brooch so tightly. Andrew was so proud of him doing that! He said the future is looking bright for a son like Matthew to be able to fondle a stranger woman that lovingly so early in his life. Hahaha....
But I got a bone to pick with that Prince of Wales Hospital. Everybody knows breast milk is good for new born babies, right? I am sure you all will agree with me on this point. But to restrict all new born from all sustenance except only breast milk is downright cruel. YW told us that all new borns are only allowed to latch on breasts for breast milk and nothing else. No water, no formula.
What happens if the mother cannot produce milk or have some problem expressing breast milk? The baby starves and the mother will feel depressed and somehow it's their fault for not making breast milk happen. What is this? It is so cruel loh.
The parents are not allowed dummies for the babies to suck on too. Only in this Prince of Wales Hospital.
So all mothers-to-be in Sydney, hear this and beware. Stay away from Prince of Wales Hospital for Women in Rantwick. Sheesh.
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