Hello folks. I have taken these few relaxing days to watch DVDs wth Ernest and re-read Twilight series. I am going to start the last book again and it never fails me the speed I am reading (or rather chewing up) these books. I must be really really into them. Haha, I even asked Ernest if it is ok if I become a vampire and no longer sleeps. He said I will never do that because sleeping is another of my favourite past time and what will I do if I dun sleep? I wondered about this myself too.
Anyway, 2008's NYE was a special one this year. Joseph & Chloe stayed in this beautiful apartment overlooking the Darling Harbour and partially the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. They have very kindly invited us to their apartment for a pot luck gathering and to watch the 9pm fireworks together. Thereafter, we went to church to dedicate 2009 to the Lord and lastly, spent a magical hour at the Five Dock park overlooking some waters to see the midnight fireworks to mark the coming of 2009. Ernest has blogged about it. And I have posted pictures in FB.
I have been having alot of funny dreams lately. Probably due to the early hours I keep. I have been sleeping at 9 or 10pm lately and I usually do more than 8 hours a day. 2 days before, I dreamt I was having a tour with my family, which is virtually impossible as my sis is in Melbourne and my mum is always busy with her store. Just yesterday/this morning, I dreamt I was in Kedah (of all places?!) with Kenny Sia. And then I had cheng teng with my sister in Singapore and was going to watch a movie. The sequence of the dream made no sense at all and it's really strange.
Well, I think I got to stop rambling nonsense. 2009 has alot to offer me this year. I have some plans lined up and of course if I allow my imagination to wonder, I would like to take up a proper course on graphic design & photoshop, re take my Japanese, travel to more countries and perhaps taking up some hard core pole dancing. Hehe...all these, I am afraid, will remain distant dreams when reality, you have to plan carefully with the limited finances you have. But of course, being 28 going on 29, I m no longer the young woman I wished I was but I just got to be more sensible that's all.
I wish everyone a blessed New Year ahead and do keep coming back to read ok?

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