My cookie of a sister wants me to introduce her to my world. She has been studying in Melbourne forever and she has started a new blog in wordpress. Because she is also blessed with the writing gene just like me (*blush) her blog is a combination of her whimiscal take on life and her satirical observations.
I like especially how she describes her new Threadless Tee as 'a light cotton monster fits like a glove but is a tee'.
Check her out at
If all else fails, just go to my blog and click at the right column under the name Llv nefertari. I am sure you can get there somehow.

Dun ask me why her pen name is Llv nefertari. Maybe it sounds special. Who knows? Or you can ask her yourself.
As a naughty kid who never learns not to take the cookie out of the cookie jar when the jar opening is too small for my hands, I have, as usual, over planned my Saturday. I am just not sure why after coming back from Singapore, we suddenly have that many things to do on a weekend all of a sudden. Take yesterday for example.
1) Morning exhibition viewing of Enshu Miura's graduating painting class at Sydney College of the Arts.

It is very disturbing to know that SCA is housed in a former mental hospital. I just think it is a cruel joke to house budding creative minds with the ghosts of crazies. But then again, maybe it is purposely done. How do you define the fine line between a genius artist and a crazy patient?

Enshu, the budding artist. Graduated 2008, looking for a special artistic job to hibernate. Any takers?

More of Enshu's work. She is just damn talented lah!

BVA (Bachelor of Visual Arts) Photo Media. Observation of dog owners and their dogs.

BVA Glass. The details of the glass fishes just blew our minds away.

I think this graduating student of 08 is a bit disturbed. How do one google 'Giraffe Sex' and can get away with graduating with BVA Sculpture? But the plasticine model is pretty impressive though.

I dun get this either. With comparison to the giraffe crazy student, this one is just plain lazy to think she can graduate with BVA Sculpture. Fish piss?

This is my favourite sulpture. The student proudly asserts that the sculpture is made of salt and to Enshu's horror, I took a swipe at the sculpture and tasted. Yes, it is indeed salty.
2) Enough of the arty farty, we rushed to one Korean azuma's housewarming party at Castle Hill. It is very strange that in Korean culture, we do not ask for the name of the azuma out of politeness. We were told to just say "An-yong ha-seh yo", bow and enter the house and start eating without addressing the chef who made that effort in preparing the food (usually is the azuma anyway).
This azuma is a fervent Christian believer and we were told that she is admanant that the worship team to housewarm her new house. With promises of authentic home-cooked Korean cusine, we said yes.

Just look at that spread. Yummy!

A home-cook meal of bulgo-gi always does it for us.

The worship team with azuma's family. The azuma is, you guess it right, the lady in the middle with the apron. She speaks no word of English and I had to relay my thanks by rubbing my tummy, smack my lips and ask Joanna to translate into Korean.

Dessert time. Mango time.

I really heart the Aussie mangos. They are in season now so it is really cheap to get great sweet ones and you can get addicted to them quite fast.
3) BBQ at a friend's house. With no space for a pant, we god-sped to Burwood to Ernest's friend's place for a BBQ. At their request, they shall remain anonymous for now. We played Wii, had awesome BBQ and stuffed out face silly. I even played Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen on Wii.

Skiing on Wii is nothing like the real thing. At least you dun fall and get hurt.

Hotdog!!!! I miss hotdog.

The real 'Gordon Ramsay' peng-kang-ing the chicken thighs

Cooked. It sure looks yummy.

Special recipe pork chop cooked. Ernest's friend say that the secret recipe is so secret that they would be killed if they are identified. I am sure they are joking but the pork chop is so delicious that I just nodded my head and pinched another slice.

Shall I even say anything about this perfectly and precisely cooked steak? Look at the pinkness of the insides. A steak restaurant could not have done this to match I think.
4) While Ernest stayed to play more Wii with his friends, I went to Church for a session of Princess Warrior hosted by Francesca. While I was physically tired already, but her anointed words were soothing and brought peace. She shared on how to wait for God and if anyone of us is waiting for God, we are to wait with God's timing and great attitude. She pointedly referred to all the single ladies to put their hands up and so they could put a ring on it aka Beyonce style, but of course all ladies are shy and only their blushes gave them away.
We ended the evening with some hot chocolate at the Italian Forum and we made plans for a proper sit-down tea where we ladies have to dress up. I really think this idea is cool. I can finally take out my dusty cocktail dress and prance in them.
When I reach home, Ernest is already home. I could only utter a hi, washed up and crawled into bed. I guess next week's Sat better be more restful.
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